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Peak Woke within reach!

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From The Other McCain, a good look at how wacky the Woke Brigades have gotten. The Klan mentality is alive and well on the left

Sydney Sweeney is a young actress with enormous . . . talent. She has 14 million Instagram followers and is best known for her starring role on the HBO series Euphoria, for which she recently won an Emmy award.

Miss Sweeney was raised in rural Idaho in a religious family, and when her mother recently celebrated her 60th birthday, the party had a “hoedown” theme, with guests dressing in cowboy garb. But some fans, who also follow Miss Sweeney’s brother Instagram account, noticed that (a) Miss Sweeney’s father was wearing a pro-police “blue line” flag T-shirt and (b) some guests were wearing red “MAGA” style hats. The hats actually said, “Make 60 Great Again,” an obvious reference to her mother’s birthday, but what ensued was a big social-media firestorm, with left-wing political activists endeavoring to “cancel” Miss Sweeney because of her family’s apparent Republican sympathies.

Folks, go check out the link to the Instagram Outrage. It is a lesson in naked bigotry, groupthink, and good old fashioned intolerance. This is frightening frankly. The blind rage these otherwise insignificant miscreants are driven to, over pictures, is astounding, and sobering, even frightening. But of course Sydney Sweeney is going to be OK. And yes, HAWT!

Here is one of the “triggering” pics (last one of the group) that the little leftist dirtbags could not take!

And here is a bit more of the lovely Miss Sweeney because!

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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