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Ohio passes law to arm teachers. The Left freaks out

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Why does the left hate the very idea of having safer schools? The hate enhanced security, because they do not want their children to see police (it is RAAAAACIST), they do not want more secure entrances because that makes schools into “prisons” apparently. AND armed security? Oh of course not because GUNS BAD! Consider this screed from The Root, America’s most racist publication

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a law making it easier for teachers to carry firearms in the classroom, according to NBC NewsA bipartisan group of Senators has recently said they have reached a framework deal around some forms of gun safety involving ‘red flag’ laws and investments in school-based mental health programs. Some advocates don’t think the measures go far enough, but states like Ohio are determined to go a completely different (potentially dangerous) way.

SEE, DANGEROUS!!!! Of, course, in reality, no, not dangerous, well except for bad people. But, back to the panic porn from the Root! And, OF COURSE, one more reference to Racistly Racist Racism!

Previously, teachers would need over 700 hours of training to have a gun on school grounds. Ohio’s new law drops that requirement down for teachers and staff only to require 24 hours of training. They will also only need to complete up to eight hours of continuing education each year. This move will also add to the anxieties of Black and students of color who have expressed their reservations about having more armed police at schools.

OK, this is the Root. The folks over there scream RAAAAACISM when the wind blows, when it rains, when it is sunny, when they eat ice cream, and, well you get the idea. But, let us look at how many armed teachers have killed students because they snapped, or were careless.

I just spent several minutes looking through Google results. Most of what I found were, of course, anti-gun op-eds, or how teachers unions were opposed to arming teachers who choose to be armed. I also did not find one case of an armed teacher harming innocent students. HMMMMMM I would bet that if those stories were out there Google would have those at the top of results. Again, HMMMM

Then there is this

A teacher checking on kids on a Utah school playground spotted a 41-year-old intruder grab an 11-year-old girl Tuesday, police say. The teacher dashed outside and shouted at the man, giving the girl a chance to break away, and all the children outside ran into a classroom, the Ogden City Police Department reported. But the intruder, identified by police as Ira Cox-Berry, began punching a classroom window, prompting the teacher to draw a gun and hold him at bay until officers arrived, officials said.

The pro-left bias in searching the internet is horrid frankly. BUT, knowing that bias is there, shows that the non-existence of search results for armed teachers hurting students shows that such dire predictions from the Cult of Gun Control are not true

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.

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4 thoughts on “Ohio passes law to arm teachers. The Left freaks out

  1. Somehow, I have problems with the notion that we can arm teachers to defend children, and at the same time we have teachers who are ‘grooming’ elementary school kids to be homosexuals and transgendered. Does anyone really believe that more than a small minority of teachers could actually use a firearm under stress?

    1. My preference is for police, or retired law enforcement, retired military, people who are trained and experienced to be guards. Also, any civilian who has proper training, and if a teacher is willing to carry, let them prove themselves. To me, the better trained the better

  2. The game is Leftist Ideology. Black children are supposed to be terrified of the PoPo so police or armed White People (teachers) in schools would make them behave worse and learn even less. They want to ignore the fact that the vast majority of West Africans sold into slavery by the tribes of West Africa were dumped because they were “useless”:and non-productive. You don’t expect much from the descendants of such a population.

    1. I would just say that yes, the Left is behind this ugly divisiveness. They care about keeping Black people in a sort of ideological bondage to the Left. It is sickening how Democrats use, folks, and care not the first damn about them.
      AS to your comments about “West Africans”. I do not judge anyone because they are “from” any certain place. It have known jackasses from all races, and known great people from all races. I judge people, in short, by their behavior, period!

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