Education Marxist Morons Offendeditis, Perpetual Bitterness Syndrome, Social Justice

Are our public schools simply a lost cause?

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I hate to say, but between the rot and stench of cronyism, the teachers unions, and school boards infested with activists, the infusion of CRT and all the racial grievance mongering, well, Let’s let Mike Miles take it from here Citing a piece at The Federalist by Kendall Qualls

Teachers’ unions are pushing a radical Marxist-inspired agenda that is destroying public education in America.

Over the past several years, the left has aggressively infected the minds of the youngest children with the tenets of critical race theory (CRT) and gender ideology, while academic excellence has been shoved to the back of the bus. As a result, public schools are hemorrhaging students.

In my home state of Minnesota, 2022 “marks the second consecutive year the state’s public school system has lost thousands of students,” the Center of the American Experiment, a Minnesota think tank, reported in February. Why should parents in Minnesota or any other state keep their children in public schools?

In 2021, the Minnesota Department of Education’s statewide test results showed another drop in the number of students meeting or exceeding grade-level criteria. Overall, reading scores fell 7 percent, math scores dropped 11 percent, and science scores shrank 8 percent.

It is, mostly, the continued injections of Neo-Marxism that is killing the education system take a look

In 2021, Minnesota’s professional educator licensing and standards board proposed an addition to what proficiency standards for teachers to be licensed. Proposed requirements include:

  • Helping students develop social identities based upon their social grouping.
  • Understanding “systemic trauma,” including racism and micro and macro aggression.
  • Fully affirming and incorporating identity politics into the school including race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, economic status, and ethnicity.
  • Connecting students with local and global political activists.
  • Understanding that Minnesota’s laws were created to oppress by race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

All about indoctrination, hate America, racial grievance, etc. That is NOT education. Go read it all

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.