
Daily Top 5

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Ace of Spades

Morning Report

Good morning, kids. Let it not be said that I never highlight any good news.

Trump celebrated news of Romney’s decision not to run for reelection, posting on Truth Social:


. . . Romney was interrupted five minutes into his interview with Politico by a call from President Joe Biden.

“There are certain calls you do have to take,” Romney said after “speaking with the president for what sounded like a friendly and upbeat conversation,” according to the outlet.

“Friendly and upbeat?” We’ll see how long that lasts considering it’s not just the name Biden that has been positively linked to the greatest corruption scandal in American history. One of Romney’s sons IIRC is also tied at the hip, along with a Kerry and perhaps a Pelosi, to Burisma or the Hunter Biden-directed “investment” firm associated with international influence peddling. It would be just as sweet to see any or all of them take some sort of hit, politically and financially if not criminally. Especially a globalist fake conservative like Romney.

Naturally, given the top to bottom corruption of in and out of government, the odds of any of that happening are slim to none. Yet, the rapidly degenerating brain function of degenerate-in-chief Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants is threatening to expose more and more of, not only his and his party’s criminality, but the disaster wrought by their policies and raging incompetence, as our economy, international stature, security and society collapse as a result.

For them to lose a spot at the trough would be bad enough. But collectively, for them to lose political power to a slowly rising tide of populist anger would be unthinkable. There’s quite a good piece at The American Conservative (it’s behind a paywall) on our disastrous meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict vis a vis the aforementioned deleterious effects on the nation, but given our current political divide and unrest, this paragraph jumped out at me for obvious reasons:

American Conservative

Reparations by Stealth

Paying reparations to designated racial and ethnic groups for historical injustice is a hotly debated issue in contemporary public policy. Appointed commissions in the state of California and the city of San Francisco have produced proposals for payments to African Americans, even though slavery was never a legal institution in California. The San Francisco committee proposed giving a grant of $5 million to each qualifying black resident, plus a guaranteed annual income of $97,000 for the next 250 years. While this proposal, which would bankrupt the city, is unlikely to be approved, it shows how high the stakes in the reparations debate have become.

In Canada, where people of African descent are a small minority, debates over reparations are focused on other ethnic groups. The Mulroney (Conservative) government authorized payments to Japanese Canadians because of their relocation in World War II. The Harper (also Conservative) government offered compensation to Chinese Canadians for the head tax on immigrants, though few were left alive to receive it. The biggest issue of reparations in Canada going forward will concern Indigenous Canadians: Métis, Inuit, and above all First Nations (Indians

American scholar Alfred Brophy has itemized the main elements that usually make up a reparations package: apologies, truth commissions, civil rights legislation, community building, and payments to individuals. Canada has adopted all these several times over as Indigenous policies. The distinctive Canadian contribution is a reparations payments strategy driven by the judicial process, chiefly through class actions. Crucially, the policy of the federal executive government since 2015 has been to put up only token opposition to Indigenous claims before proceeding to negotiate a settlement. The legal process proposes, the executive government disposes.  

American Greatness

Defending America From Slippery Authoritarian Slopes The Left are the ones with no regard for our Constitutional Republic or the principles of American freedom

The Left insists that “democracy” is on the ballot and that Republicans want to subvert elections, claiming that Trump supporters are racist domestic terrorists and authoritarians. And yet, the events of the last few years have proven the truth to be quite the opposite. Between large-scale collusion to unconstitutionally destroy and remove a president, the subversion of elections with unconstitutional “emergency” restrictions, and massive campaigns to unconstitutionally censor truth, it would seem the Left are the ones with no regard for our Constitutional Republic or the principles of American freedom. What’s really on the ballot is the protection of our nation from the slippery slopes of corruption, collusion, and authoritarianism. That is why I am endorsing Donald Trump and will stand by him between these slippery authoritarian slopes and American freedoms.

The massive campaign to interfere with and undermine Trump’s presidency was one of the reasons I felt motivated to run for public office. The people elected him to implement certain America First policies, cut bureaucratic red tape, expose corruption, and protect our fundamental rights. We didn’t get what we voted for because entire governmental organizations mobilized to prevent those efforts, with no regard for legalities or the will of the people.

Even before he took office, the constitution was seemingly thrown out the window when an establishment political candidate, a secret court, the DOJ, and the intelligence community colluded to fabricate evidence and illegally wiretap a duly elected president. With no real judicial process and under a heavy cloak of secrecy, some of our nation’s most powerful political figures went to great lengths to distract from and derail Trump’s presidency and manipulate the American people.

Bearing Arms

New Mexico governor’s carry ban rejected by federal judge, restraining order granted

While U.S. District Judge David H. Urias seemed awfully sympathetic to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at times, the Biden appointee ultimately ruled against  the governor in a hearing on Wednesday afternoon, opining that under the Supreme Court precedent he “has to” follow, the public health order and executive order suspending the right to carry are likely to violate the Second Amendment; granting a temporary restraining order and halting whatever enforcement may have taken place.

The first sign that Urias found the governor’s order too much of an overreach came when he addressed the governor’s attorney at the outset of her arguments, telling her that she had a “hard road here, especially given the Supreme Court’s holding in Bruen.”

It was a burden she proved unable, and largely unwilling, to bear. Instead of trying to refute Bruen and its acknowledgment of the fundamental importance of the right to bear arms in self-defense, the attorney claimed that Bruen is so flawed that it shouldn’t play much, if any, of a role in deciding the future of the governor’s order.


More Regulations’: Division Emerges Among GOP Senators Over Bernie Sanders’ Drug Price Bill

While we can agree that most feel that drug prices are “too damn high’ how we get the government to “fix this” is another matter. Never let a crisis go to waste and the Senate has their eye on the prize. This time around the GOP are divided on a bill that Bernie Sanders has in mind and one can only wonder why. It is Bernie Sanders and we have known for years where he wants healthcare to go.

Back in 2019 I did a post on the intention of Biden’s minions and just for a refresher:

Biden on drug prices: ‘We will set the prices’

August 1, 2019 — bunkerville

“Companies that develop drugs will have to go to the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to be told what they’ll be allowed to charge for their products if Joe Biden is elected president,” the former vice president declared Wednesday during the Democrat presidential debate.

“My plan does cover everyone, number one. Number two, the fact is that my plan also calls for controlling drug prices. The biopharma is now where things are going to go. It’s no longer chemicals.

“It’s about all the breakthroughs we have with the whole — excuse me, immune system.

“And, what we have to do now is we have to have a form that sits in the HHS and says: as you develop a drug, you got to come to us and decide what you can sell it for.

“We will set the price. And, secondly, it says that you cannot raise that price beyond the cost of inflation from this point on.”

Keep reading

Daniel Greenfield


Over the summer, Barry Diller warned that the double strike by Hollywood actors and writers could “potentially produce an absolute collapse of an entire industry.”

Diller, who once headed Paramount and 20th Century FOX, may know what he’s talking about.

Hollywood, trying to compete with the vast resources of dot coms like Netflix and Amazon, has been spending untold billions of dollars to convince everyone to buy subscriptions to their streaming services. Netflix will spend $17 billion, Amazon spent $16.6 billion while Disney blew through $32 billion. Disney is trying to recoup some of the billions it lost on Disney+ by cutting costs and going into the lucrative but shady business of sports betting through ESPN.

Once upon a time, Disney might have worried about the damage to its ‘family friendly image’ but once it started peddling sexual materials to kids, gambling is actually a major step up.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.