
Sunday Top Ten

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The Elites Directing The Energy Transition Really Have No Idea What They Are Doing

We are on our way to Net Zero by 2050. It must be true because everybody says so. The entire $6+ trillion per year federal government is committed to the project, which obviously would not be the case if the whole thing were impossible. Equally fully committed are essentially all of the colleges and universities, where all of the smartest people are to be found. As well as every other elite institution of every kind and sort.

Take the World Economic Forum. If there is a number one elitest among all elite institutions, this has to be it. At their annual confab in Davos, Switzerland, they gather the greatest of geniuses to instruct the very top government and business leaders how to run the world. Would you like to go? It will cost you $52,000 to join the organization, and then an additional $19,000 to attend the conference. Chartering a private jet to get you there will cost a few more thousand. Once there, you can hear the very smartest people imparting their thoughts on the most important topics of the day, like “The Great Reset,” “Emerging Technologies,” “Diversity and Inclusions,” and, of course, “The Net Zero Transition.”

Is it possible that these people are completely incompetent and have no idea what they are doing?

American Conservative

Debates Over Arlington’s Confederate Memorial
A simple recommendation for Secretary Austin: Leave the danged monument alone.

Jim Webb, a former U.S. senator from Virginia, former secretary of the Navy, man of letters, and a Vietnam platoon leader with a heroic combat record, recently rendered a public service in coming to the defense of the endangered century-old Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery in Wall Street Journal commentary.  “I cannot imagine,” Webb wrote, “that the removal of this memorial, conceived and built with the sole purpose of healing the wounds of the Civil War and restoring national harmony, could be within the intent of a sweeping sentence placed inside a nearly trillion-dollar piece of legislation.” The legislation in question being the National Defense Authorization Act of 2021.

The response from those seeking the memorial’s removal, starting with the vice-chair of the NDAA-created “naming commission” that recommended it, was standard fare. The memorial, currently slated for removal by the end of the year, is a tribute to “an enemy who chose treason to preserve slavery” and “celebrate[s] white supremacy,” declared Brigadier General Ty Seidule, a former West Point history professor. Another letter to the editor recommended following the German example in dealing with the Holocaust’s legacy, accompanied by the predictable syllogism: No monuments to Nazis, no monuments to Confederates. 

American Greatness

The WEF and the Climate Cult:
Colluding for a World-wide Welfare State

One should never underestimate the Left’s propensity for projecting its sins upon its victims; nor, when the Left does manage to admit the destructive effects of their regressive ideology, to proclaim these disastrous consequences as fundamental transformational and “liberation.” To avoid such a fraught misunderstanding, one must ever remember the Left perverts the purported rationale of every entity captured in their “long march” through the institutions.

To wit: The World Economic Forum (WEF).

One would think an organization comprised of the uber rich global elitists would be assiduously focused on increasing wealth. The rationale would be their own greed; and the need to spread wealth to meet rising global expectations of material prosperity that, as history shows, when unmet lead to revolutions – revolutions which confiscate the wealth of the rich and often their lives. Yet, to spread material wealth is rarely the goal of the rich. Their goal is to amass wealth; then, having amassed it, to protect it from the masses. However, in a contradiction Karl Marx would appreciate, in spreading their wealth to increase the masses’ material prosperity, they will also be increasing the masses’ expectations. In an age of instantaneous global communication among the masses, these expectations will rapidly and exponentially rise. There is every reason to believe they will not be met; and revolutions and/or chaos will ensue as the masses demand their “equitable” share of prosperity.

American Thinker

DEI, the acronym for so-called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that has infiltrated and infected American society, is like so many things in Biden’s America, the exact opposite of what it claims to be.

Diversity as practiced in contemporary America has been corrupted to mean “exclusionary”: “You are diverse as long as you are non-White, non-religious, unpatriotic, LGBTQ+ and ascribe to our politics and belief system.”  Otherwise, you will be shut down and shunned in education, employment, expression, the judicial system… everywhere.  You will be cancelled.  There is a word for this and it’s not “diversity.”  It’s discrimination.

It is open season on White people, especially White males.  The owner of the submersible Titanic exploration vessel, who died in its implosion, intentionally discriminated against “50-year-old white guys” in hiring, dismissing the safety and operational expertise of former submarine commanders.  His bigotry ending up killing him and four other passengers.

Bearing Arms

New Mexico governor says she’s banning concealed carry in state’s biggest city

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is begging for a lawsuit and putting lives in danger with a new executive order issued on Friday afternoon that bans both open and concealed carry in Albuquerque for at least the next 30 days.

Grisham was joined by the Albuquerque police chief and Bernanillo County Sheriff during her announcement, which came as part of a broader press conference on rising crime in the state’s biggest city, though the pair say neither of their departments is going to enforce the governor’s edict.

Lujan Grisham said state police would be responsible for enforcing what amount to civil violations. Albuquerque police Chief Harold Medina said he won’t enforce it, and Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said he’s uneasy about it because it raises too many questions about constitutional rights.

The firearms suspension, classified as an emergency public health order, applies to open and concealed carry in most public places, from city sidewalks to urban recreational parks. The restriction is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates currently only met by the metropolitan Albuquerque. Police and licensed security guards are exempt from the temporary ban.

Daniel Greenfield


Air Force Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr, Biden’s nominee to replace Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had signed off on a memo to impose a 43% quota for white male officers in the Air Force. That would be catastrophic at a time when the Air Force is struggling with recruitment, faces a shortage of over 1,000 pilots and 86% of its pilots are white men.

Brown, who claimed that America is racist and that he faced racism when someone questioned whether he was parked in the right spot, has been obsessed with remaking the Air Force in his own image. Even with only 1 out of 2 key aircraft and bombers ready to fly, the woke chief of staff has emphasized diversity in hiring and promotion at the expense of merit and ability.

Now a Rand report funded by the Air Force shows what it will take to achieve diversity. And diversity, which is more important than winning, won’t be achieved as long as the Air Force clings to basic qualifiers like weight, test scores and no criminal record.

Animal Magnetism


Article 1, Section 8, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution contains only these words:

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

This gives Congress (Article 1) the power to establish a postal service, one of the few actual enumerated powers of the Imperial government.  But the question is this:  Does this clause actually require that the government set up and run the postal service?  Or can that clause’s requirement be fulfilled by a third party?

I found this interesting; at American Thinker, David D. Schein (who clearly doesn’t think much of the postal service) thinks we can do away with the Imperial post offices altogether.  He makes some good points.

The USPS has been an ocean of red ink. A 2021 Forbes article headline pretty much sums up the status quo: “Why The U.S. Post Office Is In Trouble – 678,539 Employees And A $9.2 Billion Loss In 2020.”

Front Page Mag

Trans Travel Guide- Canada warns 2SLGBTQI+ persons about traveling outside of Canada – especially in the United States.

“Some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons,” the Canadian government is advising.  These 2SLGBTQI+ persons “could face certain barriers and risks when you travel outside Canada,” particularly in the USA.

“2S” means “Two-Spirit,” a term that “reflects complex Indigenous understandings of gender roles, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures.” According to the Canadian government, 2SLGBTQI+ “recognizes Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities.”

LGBTQ are, respectively, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. “I” means “intersex”  and “considers sex characteristics beyond sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, and + is “inclusive of people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities, who use additional terminologies.”

This ever-increasing aggregation of letters, numbers and symbols comes billed as an acronym. It is actually a construct, in a special kind of way.

“Homosexuality and transgenderism are two utterly different phenomena,” explains Bruce Bawer, author of A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, but both groups are now enlisted in “the LGBTQ+ family.” That makes about as much sense as the VBTPW family – Vegetarian Butcher Terrorist Pacifist Whatever – but this movement is not about making sense.

Legal Insurrection

Ana Navarro and ‘The View’ Go Full NIMBY Over the Illegal Immigrant Crisis in New York City
“It puts tremendous stress on a city, on a community, on the social services. They need to be resettled elsewhere.”

The illegal immigrant situation in New York is having a very real impact. Democrats are finally feeling the effects of their policy positions on immigration.

Mayor Eric Adams is saying that the issue could destroy the city. On ‘The View’ this week, Ana Navarro and the other hosts let the mask slip, big time.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

ANA NAVARRO: There are four countries that are providing — where most of these migrants are coming from, one is Venezuela where there is a communist dictator Maduro, another is Nicaragua where there is a communist dictator, Ortega, another is Cuba where there is a communist dictatorship of over 60 years, and another is Haiti where it is complete bedlam, violence, danger, war.

And so this is not — this is not a federal problem. This is not an American problem. This is a regional problem. This is a world problem and I think it takes everybody sitting together, not being performative.

What is being performative? Sending busloads of migrants to Kamala Harris’s house or Martha’s Vineyard or what Greg Abbott just did putting those drowning devices inside the Rio Grande, you know, to cause harm which the federal courts said were illegal and he needs to get rid of. That’s performative

PJ Media

Relax Commuters, a Study Says Crackheads Smoking Drugs in Buses and Trains Aren’t a Health Hazard. We Have Questions.

Are you getting more than a ride when taking mass transit? A new study says there are hard drugs in the air and on surfaces of your commuter buses and trains. But the researchers say you can relax because everything is “perfectly safe.”

Recently, we were told by Seattle area public health officials that there’s no harm from second-hand smoke from hard drugs – fentanyl, meth, crack – smoked on the buses and trains. The concern began with drivers worried about being poisoned. Drivers were also worried about driving the public while unintentionally high.

Crackheads routinely disrupt transit riders.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.