
The Daily Top 5

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Ace of Spades

Morning Report

Good morning kids. They just couldn’t help themselves, could they? The frog in the pot was drifting into unconsciousness and about to slip under the simmering bubbles for good, but then, they got impatient and turned the heat up to high and Michigan J. Frog leaped out. And he wasn’t singing “Hello My Ragtime Gal” either.

As Pride Month comes to a close, the participants marched through Tompkins Square Park in the East Village while chanting, the New York Post reported Saturday.

Video footage shows the flamboyantly dressed crowd moving through the area, and a woman among the group appeared to be topless . . .

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” some of those in the crowd shouted. . .

. . . The march came to an end at the Stonewall Inn located in Greenwich Village, whose website says it is “Where Pride Began.”

Meanwhile social media users responded to the initial video, one person writing, “And they say ‘we’re not coming for the children.’”

In July 2021, Breitbart News reported the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus unpublished a music video where singers promised to “convert” children to their LGBT ideology once the clip went viral online.

Lyrics to the song include:

You think we’re sinful. You fight against our rights. You say we all lead lives you can’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. It’s funny. Just this once, you’re correct.

…We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it. You can keep him from disco, warn about San Francisco. Make him wear pleated pants. We don’t care. We’ll convert your children. We’ll make them tolerant and fair.

American Conservative

Senate Democrats, the military industrial complex, and Washington Post columnist Max Boot are desperate to preserve the military’s unrestricted stranglehold on general and flag officer selection and promotion. Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama’s hold on nearly 300 general officer promotions is rooted in righteous indignation over the military’s use of taxpayer dollars to pay for servicemembers’ and dependents’ abortion-related services. This is a good enough reason to support Senator Tuberville, but the root of the establishment’s indignation runs much deeper—to the very core of how the Pentagon avoids responsiveness to civilian leaders. 

Boot, along with his pro-war and pro-abortion Democratic masters, is incensed, because Senator Tuberville’s hold poses an existential threat to the very swampy nature of senior military officer promotions and selection. For too long, the Pentagon has ushered officers through the Senate confirmation process without pausing to seriously question their fitness for service. Senator Tuberville is giving conservatives their first chance to consider who, exactly, is leading our crumbling and tired military.

American Greatness

What the Left now fears most is the revolutionary model it has bequeathed to America—and what might happen if its monstrous creation falls into politically incorrect hands.

The present-day Left bears little resemblance to the old civil-libertarian, integrationist Democratic Party that existed from the 1960s through 2000. 

The antecedents to its current madness were once previewed in the old party’s extremist wing of campus radicals of the 1960s and 1970s. They were accentuated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa during the Obama years, forged during the COVID lockdown and George Floyd riots, and polished during the era of Trump derangement syndrome. 

On almost every issue, Democrats have repudiated their prior reverence for the Supreme Court. 

They distrust individual liberty and free expression. 

American Thinker

Diversity’s Fatal Attraction

Diversity and its cousins, inclusion and equity, are woke America’s new guiding principles. Sports, education, media, government, military, and big business are all in on the “DEI” mantra.

Rearrange the letters from DEI to DIE. Is that a more fitting acronym for where this recent liberal push may lead?

There is nothing wrong with diversity, as long as that extends to all aspects of humanity. Why only diversity of skin color and gender? Are those the only determinants of diversity?

Ward Clark

Biology, Bipolarity, and Accuracy in Education
Biology and the Woke

Among biologists, sexual dimorphism and bipolarity (not the same thing) among vertebrates isn’t really a subject for debate. (Full disclosure: My undergraduate degree was in biology, I haven’t worked in the field for some time but try to stay current.) But recently, a biology professor, Johnson Varkey, was fired for stating the obvious.

Johnson Varkey has for 20 years taught anatomy and physiology at St. Philip’s College, part of the Alamo Community College District of Texas.

Nineteen years and 1,500 students into his teaching, he says a few of them became visibly offended by his textbook lessons on the biology of male and female.

St. Philips fired Varkey for violating its “faculty code of professional ethics” based on “several reports” that he committed “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter,” according to a Jan. 27 memo on his “termination of employment and contract” attached to his legal threat letter.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.