Bat shit Crazy Big Brother Cult of Climate Change Cult of Gun Control Energy Fake Outrage Marxist Morons Media bias

DAMNIT!!! There goes Uncle Bob, spreading “disinformation” again

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Daniel Greenfield wants you to meet your would be masters

Live from Manhattan, where the World Economic Forum boasts comfortable digs in a luxurious midtown tower on Madison Avenue, the WEF’s Tackling Disinformation forum began.

“With increasing fears about the cost of living – exacerbated by the pandemic and the energy crisis – it is now more critical than ever to tackle disinformation head-on,” the WEF explained.

What do costs of living have to do with state and corporate censorship? As prices rise and standards of living drop, and the WEF’s slogan of “I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” will only have been proven two-thirds true, the peasants may get restless.

Peasants like Uncle Bob whom the WEF is deeply concerned about. Very deeply.

“We need to take certain actions there to prevent Uncle Bob from sharing misleading information at the Thanksgiving table,” Claire Wardle (She/Her) PhD explicated in a chummy Brit accent over Zoom. Wardle sits on the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Information and her vision of the future has little room for Uncle Bob saying whatever he likes at the Thanksgiving table. A holiday created by pilgrims fleeing England and people like Wardle.

Go read it all, it is your freedom they are trying to stomp out

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Climate Change Education Energy Funny Pics

Ah yes, “equity” The left’s latest scam

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Great piece by Daniel Greenfield exposing the ugly face of “equity”

FEMA uses something called the National Risk Index to calculate the risk to any area. The NRI can then be used to determine which communities should get how much funding to cope with natural disasters. Armed with an NRI evaluation, cities, counties and towns can apply for Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants. Billions in these grants have been handed out. The trouble with the NRI is that it’s less science and more sociology. And very leftist sociology at that.

The Index is made up of three components, the actual natural hazard, “community resilience” and “social vulnerability”. The last is really affirmative action for natural disasters. As FEMA puts it, social vulnerability calculates the “susceptibility of social groups to the adverse impacts of natural hazards”.Or as the old joke has it, “Earth destroyed: minorities hardest hit.”

Except with FEMA, it’s not a joke, it’s policy.

Go read it all. This is a tremendous example of how “equity” works. And no, by working I do not mean by being successful or ensuring those most in need get help first. That is NOT how equity works.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Education Energy Guns and self-defense

A Bad American looks at Tulsi Gabbard leaving the Democratic Party

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Give it a listen

I have issues with what she says about gun rights now versus what she has said in the past.. This move could be just a career move for her. I HOPE she in sincere, but must reserve judgement for now

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Climate Change Energy Marxist Morons

Well, this was completely unexpected

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No one ever expected electric vehicles to unexpectedly catch fire. Zendo Deb writes how, well, unexpected this these unexpected fires are.

Sparky cars gonna spark. Ignition: Spontaneous electric vehicle fires prompt recalls, but some owners stalled waiting on repairs

Yesterday, there were two posts on lithium-ion batteries and salt water. This is similar, minus the salt water.

Chevy, and several other companies impacted by battery defects that could increase the risk of a fire, have taken steps to minimize risk. Bolt owners were originally told to limit charging, avoid running their batteries below 70 miles to empty and to park outside immediately after charging and not leave the car indoors overnight.

In December 2021, more than a year after the first of three voluntary Bolt recalls, Chevy came up with a software update to mitigate the threat, but with the fix came a reduction in charging that drivers say limited how far they can go.

The update limited the Bolt’s charge to 80% and lifted the earlier restrictions for those who get it. The company wouldn’t provide specific numbers when asked how many recalled Bolts have had the update installed.

You know, electric vehicles are, right now, being pushed as the be all, end all solution to climate change. But, why are we not being told of these vehicles cost, shortcomings, performance issues, negative environmental impact, range, and other issues? It is almost like they are hiding things from the average American. How very “unexpected”.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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CNN Cult of Climate Change Energy

Virginia Governor Youngkin calls CNN on their BS

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H/T The Right Scoop

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Climate Change Energy

Why have I been saying the “Cult of Climate Change”?

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Because it is NOT about science. It is not about saving the earth, or conservation, or being against pollution, or in favor of reasonable environmental safeguards, it is, in fact, a CULT! As The Other McCain explains

Say hello to Madeleine “Maddie” Budd, a 21-year-old English woman who dropped out of medical school to become a radical environmental activist. She has been arrested several times for her “activism.” Last September, she was arrested in London while engaging in a protest with the Extinction Rebellion group. In March, she was arrested for running onto the field during a Premier League soccer game between Arsenal and Liverpool, where she intended to glue her hands to the goalposts. In April, she was arrested on three separate occasions for taking part in “direct action” protests by a group called Just Stop Oil.

Maddie Budd’s turn to criminal activity — which is what “direct action” protests are — has dismayed her family, especially after her latest crime.

This woman is nuts, crazy, two cards short of a deck, crazier than a pet coon, a fanatic. So, it is no surprise she would be drawn to a cult is it? It also does not shock that she would defile a memorial to a hero. Leftism is all about defiling Western values, and, as no surprise is also about defiling Western heroes. So, what did this miscreant do?

The eco-zealot seen in video pouring human excrement over a memorial to pandemic hero Captain Sir Tom Moore has been jailed ahead of her sentencing after pleading guilty to causing criminal damage in the ‘abhorrent act’.

Maddie Budd, 21, was arrested in London on Sunday over the attack at the memorial in Hatton, Derbyshire.

District Judge Louisa Cieciora said the starting point for sentencing following her guilty plea could be 18 months’ imprisonment.

She also today declined an application for bail ahead of the sentencing hearing, telling the court she has ‘substantial grounds’ to believe Budd would commit another offence.

Budd was remanded in custody while a pre-sentence report is carried out ahead of her sentencing on October 25.

Footage of the stunt, carried out for the pressure group End UK Private Jets, showed her drenching the monument — which honours the 100-year-old World War Two vet who raised £33million for the NHS during lockdown — in urine and feces.

Her vile actions went beyond protest, and was designed to create shock, and publicity. Leftism is an ideology of “LOOK AT ME!” after all.

Go read it all. The Other McCain has lots more, including talking about the “No Nukes” nuts that were, as McCain correctly points out, was far more Pro-Communism and anti-Americanism than anything else. Like I said go read it all. And, about my taking credit for creating the title “Cult of Climate Change”…..You are WELCOME AMERICA!

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Climate Change Energy Legalizing drugs, Narcotics Marxist Morons Violent crime

California’s failure, and leftist insanity explained

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Daniel Greenfield has a tremendous article that will make you think, and see, and grasp, at least to some degree, the madness of Marxism, and all the bastard “isms” it has spawned. Go! Read!

It’s a cool dark night in California and all the lights are out. Sloping rooftops dotted with solar panels gleam even more darkly than usual. The air is still and not a single breeze would stir even the lightest wind turbine. Somewhere out in the darkness Diablo Canyon, the aging nuclear plant, still running, is keeping what power there is on. The Northern Chumash or as the media insists on calling them, the Yak Titu Titu Yak Tiłhini, are demanding the territory which would make them California’s second only power.  They might prove to be better guardians of keeping the state’s power on than the Democrats.

The great westward drive that began with Lewis and Clark has been steadily rolling backward. Southern California is filled with moving trucks headed to Arizona, Texas and Nevada. Those who can afford it, fly to Florida. The Russians were here once and then the Spanish. The American presence in California was more comprehensive and lasted longer, but may one day leave sagging Wells Fargo banks and decrepit mini malls filled with sushi places and nail salons the way the Spanish left their missions.

Click on through, read the whole thing

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Climate Change Energy Marxist Morons Marxist Morons Politicians

New Yawk Governor Cruella bans normal vehicles

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Starting in 2035 New York will race Marxifornia to the bottom of the Pit of Climate Lunacy!

If only the tyrannical lunacy would stay localized in California. Then it might take only a major earthquake to cure it. But moonbattery metastasizes. Already California’s plan to ban normal vehicles has been picked up by the People’s Republic of New York:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Thursday announced she is ordering state regulators to make changes necessary to require all new passenger cars, pickup trucks and SUVs sold in the state to be zero emissions by 2035.

The move comes about a month after California voted to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles starting in 2035, setting a precedent for other blue states.

It is like they are trying to find out who is more clueless. Dave Blount has more

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Bat shit Crazy Big Brother Cult of Climate Change Cult of Gun Control Education Energy Fake Outrage Gangs Guns and self-defense

Mike McDaniel Too Stupid to Survive #65

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This series of columns by Mike has been going awhile now. The latest edition is out and, I wish every American would endeavor to read it. But, alas, that is not going to happen. But, you can, and should my friends. So, here you go

Where am I?  Who am I? Where do I go now?  Who are you?

Joe Biden spoke to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, but the most disturbing part of his day happened afterward. The president took that stage at an event sponsored by The Global Fund, which does work regarding AIDS and other diseases, and things went off the rails. In this case, quite literally.

A video is circulating showing Biden appearing to be completely dazed and confused, fumbling around the stage as his handlers attempt to talk him down. Meanwhile, another man is speaking, trying to thank him for being there while the president appears to have no idea what’s happening.

Take the link and watch the video, and as you do, consider what our allies and enemies are thinking as they watch it.  Of course they are:

President Joe Biden told the United Nations on Wednesday the Palestinians are ‘entitled’ to their own state, a day after the U.S. State Department announced $64 million in aid to the U.N. agency for so-called Palestinian refugees.

Perhaps someone should tell Joe the Palestinians have, several times, rejected their own state, and their founding documents say they exist to murder every Jew.  Oh wait: Anthony Blinken is the Secretary of State. 

It is a long piece, but a rather quick read. The utter uselessness of the left’s priorities are stunning. They truly are insane.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Bat shit Crazy Cult of Climate Change Energy Marxist Morons

Has Germany gone mental?

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No, actually, Germany has gone GREEN! Which is like going mental, but worse

But that is what the proponents of Green Energy want. Germany’s “Tenfold Increase In Gas And Electricity Prices” Is Driving Out Industry

What leaves once, will not come again. While energy prices in Europe are going through the roof, they remain moderate in the USA. This will have serious consequences for energy-intensive industries.

The world’s largest steel producer, Arcelor-Mittal, shut down one of its blast furnaces, and started buying sponge iron from the US.

Germany had clean nuclear energy, why not stick wit it. Oh, yes I forgot they went MENTAL! Abandoning it because Climate Change and now, well, they say you cannot fix stupid………

Anti-nuclear movements started in Germany in the 1970s when local initiatives organised protests against plans to build nuclear power stations. Rallies and legal challenges against individual projects were supported locally across party lines. In 1975, 28,000 protesters occupied the construction site of a nuclear power plant in Wyhl (in the southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg) and managed to stop construction. After the accident at the U.S. nuclear power plant Three Mile Island in 1979, around 200,000 people took to the streets in Hannover and Bonn, demonstrating against the use of nuclear power. More protests followed wherever locations for radioactive waste processing and storage were considered. The anti-nuclear movement was one of the key driving factors behind the foundation of the Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) in 1980

Click through on that and you can read the whole history of Germany and their obsession with GREEN! You can also read what seems to be a fair assessment of the benefits and risks with nuclear energy

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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