Abortion Feminuts Marxist Morons Offendeditis, Perpetual Bitterness Syndrome,

Breaking News! Jennifer Rubin still crazier than squirrel on meth

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Read Time:1 Minute, 56 Second

Rubin is, ah well, kinda, mmmm, NUTTIER than a fruit cake

Titled “The Supreme Court eviscerates abortion rights and its own legitimacy,” Rubin mainly summarized the dissenting opinion given by the court’s liberal minority, dramatically proclaiming, “The court’s decision is so emphatic, and so contemptuous of the principle of stare decisis, that one wonders whether the unvarnished radicalism of the decision will finally rouse millions of Americans to the threat posed by a court untethered to law, precedent or reason.” 

Rubin had some other inanities to rant about such as claiming, somehow, that the SCOTUS cannot disagree with previous courts rulings and then, there is this gem

Rubin notes, “The dissent also underscores the enormous damage to women’s self-determination, autonomy and equal status as persons. And it rightly attacks the garbled history in the majority opinion, noting that the Constitution was ratified before women had the vote. In essence, the court elevates male dominance to a constitutional imperative in the 21st century.”

OK then Jen, that is just pathetic and this…..

Rubin makes much ado about the dissenting opinion’s questioning of Kavanaugh’s neutrality, asking “would he say that the Court is being ‘scrupulously neutral’ if it allowed New York and California to ban all the guns they want?”

The fact is, of course the right to own firearms is in our second amendment, abortion is NOT mentioned in the Constitution anywhere. Is it me, or is Rubin arguing like a four-year-old might. I wonder if she was jumping up and down and screaming while writing this garbage? But, the Well of Krazy Kool-Aid is deep my friends, and Rubin swims there often it seems. Note this

“The hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of the court’s right-wing justices lead to the conclusion that they have simply appointed themselves super-legislators free to impose a view of the United States as a White, Christian and male-dominated society despite the values, beliefs and choices of a majority of 330 million modern Americans.”

Oh, and THIS, THIS is the cherry of buffoonery siting atop the Insanely creamy whip cream, on the sundae of Rubin’s mental disconnect

Good Freaking Grief! Rubin is driving the Crazy Train folks. Right off the damn rails apparently.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Feminuts Marxist Morons

Sometimes you read something so true, you want to stand and applaud

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Here is such a piece I found at 19th Ward. When Men Were Men. The link directs you to Chicks on the Right. For some reason, I can’t get on that blog, but here is a excerpt

The world used to revere brave men who put themselves on the line for others. Songs were sung and legends were made from men who performed courageous acts. Women wanted to have their babies, men wanted to be their friends, children wanted to grow up and follow in their footsteps. Society named them their heroes and wanted them to be in charge.

Well, cut ahead a few decades and now these outrageously brave men are being told that they’re toxic. Aggression is bad. The act of protecting others is demonized. The person you saved is more likely to sue you for breaking her fingernail than to thank you. So some of our brave men are giving a hard pass to acts of bravery and are instead choosing self-preservation. Others lost their balls so long ago that courage is not even a consideration.

Testicles? No, it’s ma’am!

Remember the lady who got attacked on a commuter train in New York while everyone stood around pretending not to notice? There were absolutely no real men on that train. A year before that a woman was actually raped on a train in Philadelphia while passengers sat nearby. I mean, how many losers does it take to subdue one psycho? We’ll never know because losers are simply too afraid and self-centered for action.

And they are self-centered. When “men” virtue signal about women’s rights and start fights online but won’t protect someone right in front of them, they’re afraid, for themselves. They demand you be fired for having the wrong opinion, but it’s not their business when someone is being assaulted. Because, priorities. So many men in our society are more concerned with looking hip than being useful. They’re more concerned with fighting for abortions so they can have sex without consequences, and fighting to have their pronouns observed instead of dedicating themselves to protecting the innocent. Worse, some are completely indifferent. It just doesn’t concern them. All of these kinds of men are narcissists, and they’re products of a narcissistic society; somehow completely self-centered without an ounce of introspection.

Go read it all, great stuff, and dead on target

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Abortion Big Brother Feminuts Gangs Marxist Morons Social Justice statists Violent crime

Because only some needy mothers and baby deserve help……

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Read Time:1 Minute, 35 Second

If Pro-Abortion groups are so concerned with helping mothers…….WHY?

A second pro-life pregnancy center that serves mothers and babies in need was vandalized this week in Michigan, the latest in dozens of attacks on pro-life organizations and churches since May.

Live Action News confirmed the vandalism Tuesday at the Pregnancy Care Center in Redford, Michigan. Earlier in the day, LifeNews reported about another vandalism at the Lennon Pregnancy Center in Dearborn Heights.

The Redford pregnancy center had several windows and glass doors broken, and pro-abortion graffiti was written over the walls, including the words, “This is a fake clinic” and “Jane,” according to the report.

The pro-life non-profit provides free pregnancy tests, diapers, formula, clothing and other baby items, as well as counseling and referrals to help mothers choose life for their babies. To donate or learn more, visit

According to Live Action News, the radical pro-abortion anarchist group Jane’s Revenge allegedly took credit for both vandalisms.

How would such actions help needy mothers? It will not, of course, but helping mothers is not on the agenda of terrorists like the members of Janes Revenge. What? Never hear of Jane’s Revenge. In short they are a violent “Pro-Abortion” group who, it says ONLY clinics that perform abortions are acceptable, and have demanded all clinics which are pro-life be boarded up. HMMM, if a pregnant women CHOSE to visit such a clinic, would that not be a woman making a CHOICE? Looks like Janes Revenge is decidedly ANTI-choice! Of course, Marxist trash always are. Pro Choice? As long as you choose to obey Marxist thugs like Jane’s Revenge!

Lots more at 19th Ward, including a list, a very long list of other violent attacks/threats against “fake” clinics and pro-life activists by the pro-choice forced compliance leftists

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Feminuts Marxist Morons Offendeditis, Perpetual Bitterness Syndrome, Sexual dysfunction! Social Justice

The Other McCain- Feminists have cooties

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Read Time:2 Minute, 50 Second

Or words to that affect anyway! Mr. McCain does love to pick on feminists, and it is a lot of fun. I mean getting what my grandma would have called a “rise” out of them is so easy. I am not sure if feminists are always angry, or if that is just a reaction to an opportunity to pretend to be a victim of MYSOGINISTIC MYSOGINY! Either way, Feminists be BITTER.

Oddly enough, all that bitterness tends to drive men, and women who are not perpetually, and in too many cases professionally offended away. Newsflash time kids. Feminists are NOT a great deal of fun to be around. I do know one thing though. No one agitates, or understands feminists like Feminologist The Other McCain

What is a feminist? A woman who can’t get along with men. Feminism is an anti-male ideology, a political expression of the collective resentment of such women, none of whom has ever stopped to think that perhaps men are not the problem. This thought never occurs to a feminist for the same reason that a Nazi would never doubt that Jews are the problem.

Take this example of how feminists, like noted drama queen Taylor Lorenz, formally of the Washington Post. By the way, Lorenz woud still be at WaPo IF she knew when to shut her trap, but FEMINIST RAGE cannot be contained so

See! A man announces that he has Covid and Taylor Lorenz is somehow triggered and takes it as an outrage. No, not just an outrage, an Outrageously Outrageous Outrage! Feminists, it seems, are only fulfilled when bitter and angry. But back to The Other McCain’s expertise on feminuts. Like this Feminist, who is, spoiler alert, BITTER

See, apparently Taylor Lorenz is now a legend among Feminists. She now, I suppose, is THE barometer for deciding if a man is even relationship material. A least to feminists……

To suggest that women use Taylor Lorenz as a “screening question” for potential is not helpful because (a) most men will likely react “Taylor who?” but (b) there is no such thing as a heterosexual man who knows who Taylor Lorenz is and doesn’t despise her. There are also plenty of women who hate Taylor Lorenz, I’m sure, but the idea of making her an idol deserving reverence, and excommunicating all men who don’t genuflect before her — well, it’s not helpful, as I say.

And that’s just it — feminists, who can’t get along with men, don’t want to help other women get along with them either. Because feminism is an anti-male movement, it is also an anti-heterosexual movement.

Go read it all, it is, I think important to look at the ugly side of radical feminism because I doubt most parents would like their daughter to grow up to suffer from Eternal Bitterness Syndrome or to grow up aspiring to hate all men.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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