Big Brother Cult of Gun Control Guns and self-defense Marxist Morons Politicians Self-Defense Violent crime

Remember kids the only two words tyrants deserve are……

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The would be tyrant in this case being Congressman Mondaire Jones (D-NY) 

Congressman Mondaire Jones (D-NY) warned law-abiding gun owners that Democrats will do everything in their power to ensure AR-15s and similar types of firearms are confiscated during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

The hearing was to consider H.R. 7910, the “Protecting Our Kids Act,” which would raise the legal age to purchase “certain semiautomatic centerfire rifles or semiautomatic centerfire shotguns” from 18 to 21 with “exceptions.” The bill will also “modernize the prohibition on untraceable firearms [and] encourage the safe storage of firearms.”

Jones said Congress will pass gun control legislation and nothing, not the fillibuster in the Senate or the Supreme Court, will stop them.

Enough of your thoughts and prayers. Enough. Enough. You will not stop us from advancing the ‘Protecting Our Kids’ Act today,” Jones said. “You will not stop us from passing it in the House next week and you will not stop us. If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. We will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities.”

Dear Rep. Jones. So sorry, but your request is wholly unacceptable, and unconstitutional, and will harm only good people and hamper their ability to defend themselves, their families, and their homes. It will not hamper violent criminals nor evil doers, nor psychopaths intent on harming innocent Americans. Only a damned fool, or a petty tyrant intent on governing by decree rather than governing as our Constitution, which YOU took an oath to defend requires that you govern would ever make the demands you make. So, I, as a man who has used a firearm in self-defense. As a sovereign American citizen, and as an individual created by God, with certain unalienable rights must simply respond with these two words, HELL NO!

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Babes Blondes Booty DaleyBabes Guns and self-defense Yoga Pants

Middle of the Afternoon DaleyBabe

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About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Guns and self-defense Joy Behar, the View Marxist Morons Marxist Morons Media bias Politicians Race Baiting Race Card Social Justice

Another leftist chomping Cocoa Puffs

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The left is, in my view MORE violent than the right. Trying to kill Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, and now threatening to kill Colorado Rep. Lauren Bobert?

A liberal terrorist from Florida, Matthew Comiskey, was reportedly arrested for allegedly threatening to murder Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Fox News, and others.

“I got my 2 amendment tool ready to destroy Lauren’s face! Hopefully in front of her kids,” he said in one online threat.

“Don’t worry, Lauren, someone is coming soon to show your face the 2nd amendment in practice with a copper jacket. Enjoy,” he said in another post.

Boebert made a name for herself when she confronted Beto O’ Routke about his promise to take away people’s guns when he ran for the Democratic nomination for President.

In September 2019 Lauren Boebert confronted Beto O’Rourke at a town hall in Aurora Colorado, “I was one of the gun-owning Americans who heard you speak regarding your ‘Hell yes, I’m going to take your AR-15s and AK-47s.’ Well, I’m here to say, ‘Hell no, you’re not.’” Three months later she’s announced she was running for congress.

Now does this mean all Leftists are Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Likely not, but MAN! Bobert addressed the leftist media loons

She also slammed “Fake News outlets” like CNN and MSNBC, the official network of insane bloodthirsty liberal rage, hate, and stupid lying liberal propaganda, that “encourage these sick people to make threats against me and my family.”

This, by the way, IS the modern left, egged on by the likes of Joy Reid, the cackling coven at ABC’s “The View,” and other propagandists who spew lies and incite hatred and violence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

There is zero doubt that the left always seems and sounds as if they are enraged.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Abortion Big Brother Cult of Gun Control Education Education Gun Control Guns and self-defense Humor/Laughs Marxist Morons Media bias Self-Defense Social Justice statists

Memes that make you go, HMMMMMMMMM

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Via Mike Miles Go check them all out this one really makes an impact

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Guns and self-defense Marxist Morons

Quote of the Day

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From Daniel Greenfield Go rea the whole thing but THIS, is perfect!

Gun control isn’t about stopping gun violence, but disavowing moral responsibility for preventing it, passing the buck to the cops, to society, and to some force outside our control. Gun control rallies are the virtue signaling of moral cowards seeking to blame someone else for horrors that they cannot cope with and that they do not intend to take any personal action to prevent.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Guns and self-defense Self-Defense Social Justice

Rep. Jackson-Lee really want to ban guns, BUT, will use YOUR tax dollars to pay for HER private security…

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Talk about PRIVILEGED!

Via Daily Caller:

Democratic Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who co-sponsored a sweeping bill critics argue opens law enforcement officers up to frivolous lawsuits, spent roughly $46,000 in taxpayer dollars on private security between January and March, House disbursement records reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation show

The funds were allocated to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and four individuals, according to House disbursement records. Dates in which “security service” is listed in the records correspond with numerous community events Jackson Lee posted about on her Twitter account — such as pop-up COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites hosted by the congresswoman’s office.

Of course anytime gun control comes up, she is there to lie about guns, and try to disarm Americans

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Babes Blondes DaleyBabes Guns and self-defense

Hump Day Evening DaleyBabe

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About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Guns and self-defense Joy Behar, the View Marxist Morons Marxist Morons Race Baiting Race Card Social Justice

Your Marxist Moron of the Day

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Joy Behar is not just stupid, she is a moron. She blurts out one inane statement after another, each one dumber than the one preceding it. Observe

Good LAWD! That is a whole lotta STOOPIT!

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Gangs Gun Control Guns and self-defense Marxist Morons Race Card Self-Defense Social Justice

Noted Salon Nutcase gets destroyed by not one, but two authors.

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Salon, of course, is where really bad writers go to be truly awful writers. And Amanda Marcotte is AWFULER than AWFUL as The Other McCain notes, it is also Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

However, to summarize her theme briefly, it seems to be Marcotte’s contention that, because a majority of U.S. shootings involve “people of color,” Republicans actually encourage criminal violence:

“It is nothing more than a new version of the Southern strategy,” [Philadelphia DA Larry] Krasner told Business Insider. “They’re saying ‘big cities, lawless,’ except all the big cities they’re talking about are very Democratic and have huge Black and brown populations.”
This race-baiting is especially gross when one considers that, despite the paranoia of the white GOP, racial minorities are more likely to be victims of gun violence. But that underscores just how nasty and cynical the Republican strategy here is. They back policies that lead to violence that harms people of color, then they blame people of color in order to get votes from racist white people. For Republicans, it’s all political upside.

Krasner, of course is to the DA field what Marcotte is to writing. He is to being a DA what the 1976-77 Bucs were to football. Those Bucs, I remind y’all lost their first 26 games! But, of course, Krasner and Marcotte have Leftist immunity from criticism as The Other McCain notes. They just scream RAAAAACISM!

Neither Marcotte nor Krasner has ever had to face any well-informed critic in debate. Liberals merely hurl the accusation of “racism” at their opponents and, believing this sufficient to discredit anyone, conduct themselves as if they possess a monopoly to discuss the underlying policy issues. In her column, Marcotte takes a jab at Arizona Republican candidate Blake Masters, who recently had the temerity to say of the current violent crime rampage in America: “It’s gangs. It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis, shooting each other very often, you know, Black people frankly.” You may say that this statement is “racist,” but that doesn’t mean it’s not also true.

I would say yes it is true, that stats are exceedingly clear, and truth really cannot be racist. Anyway, go read the whole thing and also read Pico’s piece on Marcotte’s fantastical trip down Conspiracy Boulevard Here is a small taste.

First from Marcotte, blaming Republicans for random gang violence

As Melissa Ryan wrote Monday morning in the Ctrl Alt Right Delete newsletter, “For the Right, mass shootings are a feature, not a bug.” And as I have been arguing for at Salon, mass shootings are effective for Republicans at demoralizing their opposition and training their base to unlearn any lingering sense of empathy. Historian Ruth Ben-Shiat argued in October in the Washington Post, that gun violence “fosters political, social and psychological conditions that are propitious for autocracy.” A major GOP campaign message going into the midterms is that “woke” Democrats are letting criminals run amok in the cities. Dramatic gun violence really helps sell this message, which is why Republicans are guaranteed to block any bill that would make it even slightly harder for violent and unhinged people to get guns.

Quite the stretch she makes, but, she is not familiar with reality it seems, or logic. Pico responds with reason

Given that the left are the ones who wish to impose an autocratic rule restricting, or completely banning, private ownership of firearms, the author’s claims are pretty silly. Of course, none of the gun control proposals would make it slightly harder for violent and unhinged people to obtain firearms; the most they could do would be to restrict the rights of normal and law-abiding Americans. We’ll eventually find out, if anyone bothers to report it, that the guns used in the South Street shooting were all illegally possessed

Marcotte, naturally, doubling down on blaming gun owners the GOP, and paranoia

Gun violence in Philadelphia is bad, just like in the rest of the country. The reasons aren’t mysterious. Gun sales surged during the pandemic because decades of propaganda caused people to think they needed them to be “safe.” (In reality, having a gun in the house increases your chances of injury or death.) More guns lead to more violence. Research shows that was especially true of this gun buying surge, as the percentage of newly purchased guns being used in crime surged. Things only promise to get worse because, no matter how much research says otherwise, people still have this asinine idea that the way to protect themselves from gun violence is to buy more guns. So this vicious cycle is perpetuated. People buy guns, which leads to more gun violence, which leads to more gun sales, and so on and so forth. Next thing you know, there are shootouts on South Street because everyone thinks they’re in some goddamn action movie.

PAINFUL! Truly painful to read such blabbering nonsense

Once again, Dana Pico applies some reality to counter Marcotte’s fantastical rantings

Oh, so “Gun sales surged during the pandemic because decades of propaganda caused people to think they needed them to be ‘safe’”? Apparently the author didn’t notice that, in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, homicides in Philly soared from an already high 356 the previous year, to 499, one short of the city’s all time record of 500, set during the crack cocaine wars of 1990. From slightly under one murder a day, the city shot up to 1.3634 killings per day, a 40.1685% increase.

Then, in 2021, with the evil reich wing Donald Trump out of office and the sweetness-and-light Democrats in power in Washington as well as Philly, the killings soared to 562, a 12.6253% increase, and 57.8652% higher than two years earlier.

Go read it all folks. The left has gone literally nuts. Go read Pico’s abject destruction of Marcotte’s delusional ramblings.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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Cult of Gun Control Gun Control Guns and self-defense Marxist Morons School shootings Self-Defense statists Violent crime

“Famous You Tubing Dirtbag” suggested bombing NRA convention because TOLERANCE!

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Oh the Cult of Gun Control. How sweet they are right? Lots of these folks are nuts, but actually dangerous? Likely not, but some are. Watch you backs folks. Especially if you carry. Most of the gun control nuts are just ignorant, but some, might be dangerous.

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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