
Why would anyone desire power over others?

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Found this post at Liberty’s Torch, and found the title, well provocative. Why would anyone want power OVER OTHERS LIVES. Our Founders sought or desired no such power. They made damn sure the rights of individuals were enshrined and honored in our Constitution. The Bill of Rights, constrains governmental powers, not individual rights. Our founding documents define what our federal government can do. But read the Bill of Rights. It bans a state church, but clearly states the right to worship, or not, is an existing right of free people. The same with speech, protest, firearm ownership, association, and so on. Our rights pre-exist the Constitution, they are not “given” by our Constitution. Those today who seek to wield power, do not share in that belief, thus, they cannot wholly believe in America.

So, what do these politicians believe in if not fundamental rights? Well sadly, they believe in their own imagined “elitism” They make veiled references to our Founders and Constitution, but it is only lip service. They talk of our “Democracy” but we are decidedly NOT a “democracy”. The Founders did not want a form of government that amounted to mob rule. A form of government they KNEW could not succeed, a Republic. The elites do not believe that either. They really only believe in their own importance and power, over others. Now back to the piece at Liberty’s Torch

Via Ace of Spades

I’ve mentioned this a dozen times before, but: a student can break into another student’s locker and find pot and turn that in to the cops. And the kid caught with the pot can be prosecuted.

     But if a cop tells the student, “Why don’t you break into the locker for me and take a look?,” the student becomes in that moment an agent of the state and subject to all the rules that any agent of the state is bound by. That is, the student is a deputized law enforcement officer for the purposes of the Fourth Amendment. If he breaks into the other student’s locker, he has violated that kid’s civil rights, and nothing he found there can be introduced at trial against the kid whose rights were violated.

     This is exactly correct. It’s as much a violation of an individual’s Fourth Amendment rights as if the cop were to do the breaking and entering himself. The wrongness of it has been an important motif in many police-procedural dramas. Compactly put, the State cannot sanitize an unconstitutional action by delegating it to a private-sector agent.

Yet, in the matter of suppressing information and opinions it doesn’t like, the Usurper Regime has openly delegated the task to major private-sector organizations. We all know the big names. We call them, collectively, Big Tech. But there are other names to be noted as well.

Various organizations and institutions that have long been thought of as “conservative” in orientation have collaborated with the Usurpers in suppressing important news and opinion. The method of suppression has often been as simple as not reporting on the story. Sometimes more elaborate measures are employed: burial in irrelevancies, attacks on the messenger or his motives, tu quoque nonsense, and so forth. The result is the same: something Americans really ought to know about is either never mentioned in the “organs of information” on which they rely, or is relegated to page A36, the bottom right corner.

What would move a “conservative” organization to participate in this symphony of suppression? Given the grotesquely social-fascist nature of government in our time – verily, all the way back to the Wilson Administration – what possible interest could conservatives have in doing such things?

The answer is simple: They’ve decided what they want to conserve. And no, it isn’t individual freedom or Constitutional governance. It’s their corner in the status quo, with the associated revenues, prestige, and perquisites.

Ah, how true, how true. Too many Conservatives have tasted the Buffet of Power, and they have grown fat at that trough. Back to Liberty’s Torch

As long as I’m quoting Eric Hoffer, let me add another tidbit:

     A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business…The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice the utmost humility, is boundless.

     This is the bureaucrat in a nutshell. For what else does it mean for a man to arrogate unto himself the “authority” to dictate how others must live and work? Add to this the facelessness of the “faceless bureaucrat:” he’s unidentifiable and unapproachable by design. Oftentimes even his colleagues don’t know who he is or what he does. As for the private citizens he dictates to, forget it; he might as well be a Martian.

     Who would aspire to such a position? What would his priorities be?

     Now think about the public “public man:” the politician, whether in office or aspiring, whose name and face are well known, who orates for the papers and struts for the cameras. He often postures as if he possesses “all the answers.” He demands every accommodation and bridles at every rebuff. Note how such an individual treats the possibility that he could lose public notice. What do you suppose his priorities must be?

Go read it all, folks, it will make you think, and understand a bit better that many of our “Conservative leaders” are in this game for their benefit, not America’s. They have found a map to power, and self reward, and they like it, they like it a great deal. Sadly, finding people who are not in it for themselves is increasingly difficult. That must, somehow begin to change or America will not survive, certainly not as our Founders mapped it out. Frankly, we need more “average” Americans who want to SERVE and PROTECT! Who understand we are a REPUBLIC! And who want to honor and protect that!

About Post Author


Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan. No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it. Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.
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By thedaleygator

Individualist/Writer/Blogger/Historian/Sometime pain in the ass. Unapologetic Lover of the Founders, America, the South, our Constitution. Proud descendant of numerous American and Confederate veterans. And yes, massive Gator fan.
No patience for cancel culture, and the Marxists who hide behind it.
Lover of good beer, good BBQ, and yes beautiful women.